Do I know who I am? The answer is YES! Let me echo the words of a primary song we sing as children, young or old. Even if you're 78, you're still a child... a child of God.

"I am a child of God, and He has sent me here--
Has given me and earthly home, with parents kind and dear.
Lead me, Guide me, walk beside me. Help me find the way.
Teach me all that I must do, to live with Him someday".
and that's just the first verse. This is the foundation of all of life. When you come to know who you truly are, everything changes. Some or most people know this fact. They say they are a child of God, do they believe it? maybe intellectually. A conviction of this divine truth is required to experience true joy in this imperfect world. I think sometimes too as missionaries we tend to forget who we are as children of God--we get scared, we worry, we get discouraged, the natural man takes over. Of course that will be the endless battle of mortality but as we hold true to our identity as children of God, we'll come to feel His hands bearing us up. We see that when it rains it pours, it pours miracles. No matter what, you are a child of God--No matter what! If you can eat, sleep, cry, laugh-- you are a child of God.
The longer I have been out on my mission, the more convinced I am of the love for the "one". I'm not talking no significant other kinda one. I mean the worth of one soul in the sight of God. When we look around us we see tons of people, hundreds of thousands of people. In the world there are billions of people. That's what it seems like. When God looks down upon us He does not see groups, He sees individuals. He knows each one by name. He loves each one the same. He is the Father of all. How amazing is this truth? How loved are you by the most supreme Being of all the universe. How much you matter to Him. It's amazing! It's mind blowing! It's such a beautiful thing. No matter who you are in the eyes of the world, you are everything in the sight of God.
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